Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Facial hair
Posted by logans mom at 10:23 AM 4 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Super Powers
I was driving in the car to good ole Walmart when I heard...
Logan: Mom, I have a super power.
Me: Oh you do? (thinking I don't think we have ever watched or read something with super hero power's).
Logan: Yes!
Me: What are your super powers?
Logan: Healthy and Strong!!
Me: Those are great powers. (Trying not to giggle)!
So I guess saying prayers is working for something. Whenever Trent helps Logan with the meal prayer he blesses the food that it will make us healthy and strong.
Logan is a crack up!
Posted by logans mom at 3:11 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Back to School
Posted by logans mom at 10:23 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
5, 3, 2, 1, Baby
So about a month ago my sister asked if I would watch her kiddos. I was more than happy to take them because Logan would have friends to play with. We had a great time. Our activities included the duck pond down the street, playing with the neighbors dog that we were watching while they were out of town, treats, movies, and the dinosaur museum with a neighbor and her kids.
While my boys were down for naps I decided to throw her kids in the tub and take their photos too. Here are a few of my favorites.
Posted by logans mom at 10:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Tub
So I read on one of my good friends blogs about taking photos in weird places. Well I had an idea. The lighting in my bathroom is great mid day so I stuck my boys in my tub and took some photos, I don't think they turned out so bad.
More of our summer adventures to come!
Posted by logans mom at 8:57 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A New Chapter
As I write this post I have a mixture of feelings.
After a little over 6 years for working for QuicKutz I was laid off my job. QuicKutz has struggled financially for a long time and with QuicKutz being purchased it should hopefully lead to the QuicKutz Inc and the Lifestyle Crafts brands surviving.
The last few days has been hard for me. I have lost a good part of what I do in my day to day life. I will really miss the company, the people, the market, stressful times, and the travel. I wish the best for everyone still there that will still need to weather the upcoming storms with an aquistion process.
I have gained some of the very best of friends from working at QuicKutz and the things I learned there come unmatched to anything I have ever done in my life.
For now, I plan to take the boys to the summer movie every Thursday, to the pool, the park, the zoo, and practice some photography on them. So if you are board and need to get out, I probably need to as well so give me a ring and lets play!
I do plan to try to find another job oppurtunity so if you hear of anyone that needs a marketing, trade show, event type person have them give me a call.
Posted by logans mom at 10:25 PM 5 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
My sweet boys!
My boys are crazy, funny, exciting, loud, kind, full of life and loving! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!
Logan has gotten really funny lately. The words he says with the expressions he gives makes for a fun day with him.
Sweet Carter is growing so quickly. At 7 weeks he is about 12 pounds and eating like crazy! He has a calm and kind demeanor unless he is hungry or tired.
I love these monsters and cant wait for the many fun and exhausting adventures with them.
Posted by logans mom at 9:14 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
I went back to work when Carter was 2 weeks old. For the fact that we had a major trade show to pull off and we still had a ton to do! I am lucky enough to have a work environment where I was able to take Carter along with me.
When Carter was 5 weeks I left him and Logan to play with Dad while I was working in New York. I was a bit nervous about how everyone would fare with me being away. This is why I am so lucky. I came home to a boy who missed me, a baby that looked a good two pounds bigger, a happy husband and a clean house.
Most husbands and dads wouldn't put up with taking care of a 5 week old and a two year old. Through the week away I got texts from neighbors and friends updating me on the daily walks Trent would take with the boys, the going to church adventure and letting me know how lucky I am to have Trent as an awesome husband and dad!
I love him even more for loving my sweet boys the way he does.
Posted by logans mom at 7:32 PM 1 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
Carter is 1 month
Carter is one month today! It has been so fun to have him in our home. He is such a laid back easy going baby. We are so lucky to have this sweet spirit in our home. Other than the lack of sleep he is sleeping great and eating like a horse!
I am so glad that Logan loves him. Today we were eating breakfast and Logan decided to share a Chex with him. I was lucky that he just put it on his blanket instead of his mouth.
Posted by logans mom at 9:26 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 23, 2010
What happens when you leave your two year old alone...THIS!I walked into my bedroom from feeding Carter downstairs to find that Logan had stripped everything off my bed, brought his own bedding into my room and managed to find a pack of gum in Trent's nightstand. He ate the entire pack, I think there were only 2 pieces that had been eaten from it before Logan got his hands on it.
Posted by logans mom at 1:19 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Today Carter is two weeks old! It is amazing how time goes by so quickly, yet it seems like he has been part of our family for a while now.
I had one of my dear friends Heather take Carters two week photos and I am so excited about how they turned out! Heather did a great job of making the shoot really laid back and she has awesome pricing! I will be using her for our family photos once I loose about 30 pounds and Carter gets a bit bigger.
Be sure to check out her new photography business.
I love this shot! I will probably use this for my baby announcements.
Posted by logans mom at 2:31 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Carter Trent Smith
We welcomed Carter Trent Smith into our family Wednesday, April 7 at 10:16 pm. After a long day of waiting for the hosptial to call and let us know we could come in to be induced they finally called. We got started about 5:00 and later that night we had baby Carter.
8 pounds 4 ounces
20 inches long
He is such a sweet baby and we are excited to have him in our family. I am really happy that Logan loves him and has done pretty well with the change. Now if we can get Carter to sleep through the night!
Posted by logans mom at 7:45 PM 7 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
This Easter was filled with lots of adventures! The annual Easter egg hunt at aunt Mindy's work, egg dying at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's, Easter brunch and egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Miller's and lunch at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's.
Aunt Mindy is so kind to invite us to come Easter egg hunting at her work. She always has tons of toys and candy filled eggs for the surrounding neighborhood. The Easter bunny made his presence there and I wasn't sure what Logan would think of him. From these photos I am sure we can all tell he loved him!
Because General Conference fell on Easter Sunday this year Grandma and Grandpa Miller hosted a brunch, games and Easter egg dying and a hunt on Saturday. Logan had such a blast looking for eggs. Aunt Joan brought her bunny over and I was impressed how much Logan loved him. It may happen that one day we may get a bunny pet.
Easter Sunday was so nice and relaxed. We watched conference, made food and hid the same Easter eggs for Logan to find about 10 different times. He just couldn't get enough. After Conference was over we ventured up to Grandma and Grandpa Smith's for dinner and the egg hunt. When kids don't want to pick up eggs anymore it probably means we have too many. It was all a big success except we couldn't find 4 real eggs in the yard. Next month we may be able to find them by smell!
Sadly Easter Sunday was the day for injury! Between sessions of Conference Logan was out riding his bike with Trent. Next thing we know he went to get off and got his foot caught behind the back of the bike. Next thing we know he has a major raspberry up the side of his face and a bruise above his eye. Then at Grandma and Grandpa Smith's house later that day Logan decided to be super man and dive off the back of the couch into the girls blanket forts over the exercise equipment and what he thought would be a soft landing. One major goose bump right smack dab in the middle of his forehead. After putting butter on it we calmed down and enjoyed the rest of the day.
He is healing just fine, it just looks like we abuse our children!
Posted by logans mom at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Sweetest Friends
A bunch of girls from my neighborhood put together a baby shower for baby Carter! I was so grateful to all of them for all the nice and thoughtful gifts I received. I felt a bit guilty because having another boy didn't really require me to need a ton of things but having new items for Carter is so nice!
All the super models and my big belly right in front!
Posted by logans mom at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hard Times and Holy Places
Posted by logans mom at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Mr. Potato Head
Logan has a giant Mr. Potato Head. It has enough parts and pieces inside it for 8 other regular Mr. Potato Heads. He loves playing with them. I don't like cleaning up after them. I do love when Logan wants to put the "accessories" on himself!
Posted by logans mom at 9:47 PM 2 comments
Sunday, March 14, 2010
My babe!
So for years I have always called my baby sister Sarah, Babe. I think for many years to come she will still be called that (she may hate it but too bad)! Well this babe got married this weekend! We were so excited for her to step into the next step in her life and settle down (not sure how much settling will happen).This is a classic photo of Sarah, laid back, easy going, funny, and hip with red pumps for her wedding. This photo was taken after the snow/rain storm outside after they came out of the temple. I think I would be upset, stressed, and mad that it was bad weather on my wedding day. With Sarah, not a care in the world!
Posted by logans mom at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Total Boy
Logan is so funny, he is really into jumping on and over things. The other day I looked over and he had torn off the paper covering his coloring table and was standing on it. Instead of getting down he decided to jump. He thought it was so funny and and kept wanting to do it over and over. When I told him it was dangerous he just laughed and looked at me like I did it once and didn't get hurt.
Posted by logans mom at 11:22 AM 2 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
The countdown is on!
Posted by logans mom at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Hooded Towels
We went to St. George about a month ago. On one of our shopping adventures I found some chocolate brown towels with big light blue dots. I picked up a few and when we got home dusted off the old sewing machine and was quite pleased with the turnout of these. Now Logan and this baby will have matching towels...like it really matters.
Posted by logans mom at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
So hard to choose!
So our baby sister Sarah is getting married in two weeks. Not only will I be seeing everyone from my growing up years but I will be 36 weeks pregnant! I do not blame Sarah for choosing this date. I will only look like a fat cow standing next to all of my 95 pound sisters.
I decided that I needed some new shoes to draw attention away from my huge belly! I just cant decide what color. What do you think. I have a black dress.
Posted by logans mom at 4:38 PM 5 comments
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday Nap
So I keep looking at everyones blogs and I realized that I hadn't updated my blog since the first of January. I have photos to post, just not the time.
Yesterday I put Logan down for a nap, I went in to check on him and found this.
Posted by logans mom at 10:49 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Valentines!
This year I finally got the sugar cookie recipe I have been looking for. This recipe makes TONS! We made lots of sugar cookies and passed them around to everyone we could think of. Logan made Valentines for cousins and grandma & grandpa.
One day Logan may kill me for putting this apron on him, I was simply trying to protect his clothes! Thanks to a talented sister who made this darling apron for me!
Posted by logans mom at 9:31 PM 0 comments