Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas day! I am not sure that Logan knew what to expect. We had talked about Santa coming and bringing presents but it really didnt hit home to him until Christmas morning. We had to help convince him that it was ok to tear the wrapping paper to see what was inside.

His favorite toy that Santa brought him was this hammer set.

The best present that Santa brought was a full size bag of Cheeto's. He sat and ate for a good 10 minutes before we stopped him. Great breakfast!

After we got ready we made that stops at Grandma and Grandpa Millers, opened more presents had some yummy crackers and cheeseball. Headed to Grandma and Grandpa Smiths for more presents and dinner.
As always Trent spoiled me as usual. I feel bad I didnt end up taking photos of what we got for each other. I guess it will have to wait until next year. One thing that I was excited to get was a rice cooker! I can now make dishes with rice, I fail every time the good old fashioned stove top way.
Merry Christmas!