Friday, May 28, 2010

My sweet boys!

My boys are crazy, funny, exciting, loud, kind, full of life and loving! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!

Logan has gotten really funny lately. The words he says with the expressions he gives makes for a fun day with him.

Sweet Carter is growing so quickly. At 7 weeks he is about 12 pounds and eating like crazy! He has a calm and kind demeanor unless he is hungry or tired.

I love these monsters and cant wait for the many fun and exhausting adventures with them.

Logan's current smile, when you ask him to smile you get this!

Right after I took this photo I asked Logan to give baby Carter another kiss, a loss of balance ended up with Carter being kicked in the head and Logan worried and sad for Carter.
At least I got one kiss.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I went back to work when Carter was 2 weeks old. For the fact that we had a major trade show to pull off and we still had a ton to do! I am lucky enough to have a work environment where I was able to take Carter along with me.

When Carter was 5 weeks I left him and Logan to play with Dad while I was working in New York. I was a bit nervous about how everyone would fare with me being away. This is why I am so lucky. I came home to a boy who missed me, a baby that looked a good two pounds bigger, a happy husband and a clean house.

Most husbands and dads wouldn't put up with taking care of a 5 week old and a two year old. Through the week away I got texts from neighbors and friends updating me on the daily walks Trent would take with the boys, the going to church adventure and letting me know how lucky I am to have Trent as an awesome husband and dad!

I love him even more for loving my sweet boys the way he does.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Carter is 1 month

Carter is one month today! It has been so fun to have him in our home. He is such a laid back easy going baby. We are so lucky to have this sweet spirit in our home. Other than the lack of sleep he is sleeping great and eating like a horse!

I am so glad that Logan loves him. Today we were eating breakfast and Logan decided to share a Chex with him. I was lucky that he just put it on his blanket instead of his mouth.