Sunday, September 28, 2008


Logan's newest accomplishment! If you're not watching he will be half way up the stairs! For some reason I can't get it to face the right way. Turn your head to the left and watch.


Heather said...

Oh, I hate the stairs! It looks like he is doing great though. Kendall did it the "right" way for about two weeks. Since then she has INSISTED on going down like the rest of us...stress!!! I wish you better luck than we have had, I have lost track of how many times she has fallen down.

kallunkimom said...

That is so exciting! Good for him!

leah said...

that boy can cruise. watch out.

argylesocks said...

He is so big, and so cute. His stair skills are amazing.

Unknown said...

He is so stinkin cute! Tell him congrats on his new freedom and the start to streesing out his parents!

[Morgan] said...

adorable! so so cute.