Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daddy's Day

Today we got to celebrate Father's Day. Here are some of the things Logan and I love about Trent.

-Awesome Father...Trent is an awesome father, husband, uncle, brother and friend. He loves playing with the babies in our family and they love him!

-Spirtual...Trent is such a great example of an awesome servant of the Lord. He has perfect words of comfort anytime you need them. He has a strong testimony of the gospel and is great about sharing his expierences with others around him.

-Athletic...I love Trent's athletic qualitys. He is awesome at any sport he plays. I am so excited for him to teach and play games and sports with our kids.

-Funny...Trent is really funny. A lot of time he is pretty quiet around people but he can get you laughing anytime. One thing I love about him is that he can change my mood by simply saying somthing funny.

-Super Smart...He is so super smart! Trent has tons of knowledge on lots of subjects! He is able to talk about anything with anyone! I am crossing my fingers that our kids get his smarts!

-Really Hot...Trent has georgous sky blue eyes, dark brown hair and has great skin! I didnt know how lucky I got to marry such a good looking guy!

Trent has so many great qualities I could keep going on for hours! I am so grateful for him and the support he gives me each day! We were able to go and visit Trent's dad this afternoon. Here is a picture of us!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Primitive Stitch Pillow...

I made a pillow for my mom for mothers day. I got this darling pattern and idea from one of Trents sisters. Thanks Ashley! I have come to really like this and hope to do more. We will see how it goes.